Dear Family and Friends,

As many of you are aware, my husband, Dennis McCaughey, has a liver condition that has progressed
over the last several months, and his doctors have recommended that he gets a liver transplant. He is
currently on the national liver transplant waitlist at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. This
is the only option for him to have a better and longer life. Because of his liver condition, his quality of
life has decreased significantly. He needs many tests, procedures and doctor visits. He cannot do the
things he enjoys most in life, and hasn’t been able to play music for the last year. I know that many of
the people who receive this have been entertained by his music and are missing it just like he and I are.

At any given time, over 10,000 people are waiting for liver transplants in the US, just like him.
Unfortunately, because there is a very limited supply of deceased donors, nearly 2,500 of them die every
year waiting for a transplant. His doctors, and Dennis and I are worried this could happen to him.
His best option is to receive a transplant from a living donor. With this type of surgery, a family
member, a friend, or acquaintance donates a part of their liver to him. In a few months, the donor’s
remaining liver and the piece he receives will grow again. A living donor liver transplant has a lot of
benefits, better survival long term, and it can be scheduled at a time that is convenient, and before
Dennis becomes too sick to receive a transplant.

This is hard for both Dennis and I to ask, but if you feel this is something you could do, please consider
becoming a living donor.

Please know that if you don’t feel comfortable with this, it will not affect our relationship. There are
some medical, weight and age limitations. Donors need to be healthy and without significant medical
issues, but each potential donor will be evaluated individually.

Also, please share this request!! The more people we can reach, the better the odds of finding a donor.
If you would like more information the Living Liver Donor Transplant team at Penn is able to answer any
and all questions. Their website can be found at:
visitors/find-a-program-or-service/transplant-institute/living-liver-donor-transplant. The “Become a
Living Donor” button links to the health screening questionnaire which is the first step. The Living Liver
Donor Transplant phone line at Penn is 215-349-8220.

If you have questions, and or want to reach out, please do so via Facebook, email ( or
Dennis’ website at We will be adding information on the transplant to his

From Dennis and I and our family, thank you for your caring and concern.

Susan McCaughey

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